Having trouble using technology?
Receive help from the comfort of your home!

Portable Device Set Up
I will customize your portable device (phones, tablets, laptops, printers) to suit your needs.

Vulnerability Prevention
Protect your privacy against online threats by getting installed antivirus and system updates.

Receive one-on-one education sessions customized to your learning needs from the comfort of your home.
Why this
I enjoy helping people get the most out of technology. I have a strong background in mentoring and working with learners of all ages, including teaching adult literacy for seniors.
Working as a Tech Specialist has given me a close look at the challenges many elders are facing around technology.
I see a lot of people struggling to do online transactions, and many seniors are not connecting with loved ones regularly, even though they’re a few button clicks away. It doesn’t need to be this way.
Our society today revolves around digital devices. The good part is all the benefits of smartphones and tablets are accessible with a little practice and some support.

Why me?

I simply love working with technology, professionally and in my personal life. Helping others to learn and feeling confident using technology helps me feel connected with my interests and values.

Excellent Customer Service
I have more than nine years of practical hands-on customer service experience. I also bring Disney’s Approach to Quality Service training to complement my positive outlook and warm personality.

Experience Delivering Educational Programs
I have taught adult literacy in my community and delivered youth programming in science, technology, engineering, math, art and theatre.

Tailored Classes
In my experience, every learner is unique. I adapt the delivery of content according to each individual’s needs and learning style.
Devices Set Up
- Set up user accounts
- Data transfer (photos, documents, contacts)
- Installs:
– Antivirus
– Microsoft Office
– System updates
– Apps
Shopping Online
Order online and create personalized presents (Christmas cards, photo albums, T-shirts, mugs, blankets and more!)
Education sessions
- Video calling with loved ones
- Use texts, contacts, e-mails and voice mail
- Take, share and manage photos and videos
- Stay safe online
- Software install
- Customize apps and screens
- Using antivirus software
- Wi-fi & Bluetooth connections
Book an Appointment
Do you have any questions?
Let’s chat!
(780) 246-7291
Edmonton, CA
Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm